Due Diligence / Legal Status

Name of the organization RIGHT TRACK
Address for communication: Regd. Off: 15/9, Braunfeld Row, (Mominpore), Kolkata-700 027, West Bengal, India

Admn. Off: 12D, Debi Chowdhury Road,

Kolkata-700023 West Bengal, India

Field Off: 13/5, Braunfeld Row, (Mominpore),

Kolkata-700 027, West Bengal, India

Dist. Off: Karmatirtha, Malancha SHGs Training cum

Marketing Complex (2nd floor), Minakhan, North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, India

Contact Person Mr. Md. Ashraf Ali,

Hony. General Secretary

Contact Details: Phone No,  Phone: 91-33-2448-5597

Mobile:+91-9331296610/ 9830289343

e-mail admin@righttrack.cal.orgrighttrack@rediffmail.com
Website address www.righttrack-cal.org
Legal entitlements:
Registered under West Bengal Societies Registration Act XXVI of 1961 SO069203 dated 12.12.1991
Registered under Income Tax Act, 1961
12A DIT(E)/8E/329/99-2000/2486-88, dated 19.10.2000
80 G DIT(E)/8E/329/99-2000/2030-32, dated 07.09.2012
Other related entitlement
Registered under Professional Tax Act. RCW/1626922
Registered under FCRA, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India 147120516 date25.03.2021

Renewal valid till: October 31, 2021

TAN No: CALR06547C
Empaneled by National CSR Hub B/02/14/05/510
Unique ID from NGO DARPAN of NITI Aayog WB/2017/0154774.
PADOR Registration No. Europe Aid ID “IN-2017-EGD-1404226936
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