State Level Campaign On Right To Education

The government promised an increase in the allocation for education and the country has made impressive strides in increasing the number of schools. But we are still faced with a tremendous challenge to ensure that all children get good quality education. There has been an upsurge in the number of private schools in the past few years that are a cause of worry lest it results in withdrawal of state from its obligations. There are still large bulks of the out-of-school children that can be termed as working children since they are not freed by their parents to attend school. Many of them work, not in organized sector, but in the local unorganized settings, often helping their parents in different vocations. Besides, there are large numbers of children with disabilities with severe and moderate types. No significant headway has yet been made in providing appropriate education for these children. In this context the State Education Campaign was conceived as an initiative during the year 2007 to work towards alliance building of networks working on issues of right to education and advocate for the same at the State level act/ rules and to work towards showing solidarity to the national level campaign for the fight to amend the right to education act 2009.

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